The Idea Explosion Challenge, and my journey unleashed.

The Idea Explosion Challenge, and my journey unleashed. 

Many years ago I began subscribing to an email newsletter from a DJ/Producer turned educator, named Mike Monday. Over the years since, I would most commonly glaze over those emails in my inbox, and then occasionally open one. 

Whenever I did open one of these emails, I usually found some thoughts and points note worthy of consideration or even of inspiration. Clearly this man has had some experience, and he was doing well at passing on that insight to others in very impactfully communicated messages. 

I have been itching to make more of a life out of my musicality. And this sensation isn’t new. Music has always been a part of my life - it’s even tattooed on me in several locations. But I’ve always been challenged to see a future that fed my creative and expressive soul as well as my mouth. 

Time continued to tick away with more years passing, until over the most recent holiday season, one of his emails and calls to action struck enough of a chord with me for me to jump at it. It wasn’t the first offer he’d ever put in front of me, as he sells subscriptions across a few different programs that offer access to more of his insight (and not just pre-recorded videos or written content, but some live streaming and coaching as well). But this one seemed to be just the right thing at just the right time. 

He proposed that I join his Idea Explosion Challenge, an 11-day program designed to kick-start your level of music production, feeding into his overall game of improving your creative process. The long and the short of it boils down to the fact that if you want to produce quality music, it doesn’t come through independent and (in)frequent strokes of genius; it comes through quantity.  The more you content you produce, the greater the chance of producing content with greater quality. May the odds be ever in your favour. 

Through this 11-days, it has since set me on the course I am still on well over a month later - producing something - as big or as small, raw or fully drafted, each and every day. Bake the practise into your daily life and you build momentum, and create more. 

As a result I see a viable path into the future where I know, with confidence, that I can produce music that I will want to release. That excites me. It is a first step into a future I want for myself. A future where I can build passive income and grow my music into a business that may one day even fully support my life and lifestyle. It has lead me down a path that has been very healthy and refreshing for my state of mind and my outlook, and for that I am thankful. 

I know I still have a lot of hard work in front of me, and I am prepared for that. This is only the beginning as I need to be patient with myself as I essentially now build myself a pipeline of music, plugging away every day at different tracks that are at different stages of their life cycle. But with daily creation starting at the top of the funnel, with creating quantity, gems will find their way through the funnel, closer to the end of the pipeline and hopefully into the ear of the beholder. 

Wish me luck.

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